Share of women and men in decision-making positions(percentage)

MenWomen50.0%50.0%Share of women and men as Members ofParliamentMenWomen50.0%50.0%Share of women and men in ministerialpositionsMenWomen50.0%50.0%Share of women and men in judiciaryMenWomen50.0%50.0%Share of women and men in police service2014201520162017201820192020202120222023Point the cursor on the graphic to see the data for a certain year

Share of women and men as members of Parliament(percentage)

2014201520162017201820192020202120222023Point the cursor on the graphic to see the data for a certain yearMenWomen0.0%0.0%0.0more female Member ofParliament as comparedto the year 2022The data for the previousyear are missing :(The value corresponds to theprevious yearpercentagepointsWomen are underrepresented among Members ofParliament, having a share by 18.4 p.p. lower ascompared to that of men.

Share of women and men in ministerial positions(percentage)

2014201520162017201820192020202120222023Point the cursor on the graphic to see the data for a certain yearMenWomen0.0%0.0%0.0 p.p.less women ministersas compared to theyear 2022The data for the previousyear are missing :(The value corresponds tothe previous yearpercentagepointsWomen are underrepresented among governmentministers, having a share by 57.2 p.p. lower as comparedto that of men.

Share of women and men in judiciary(percentage)

2014201520162017201820192020202120222023Point the cursor on the graphic to see the data for a certain yearMenWomen50.0%50.0%0.0less women judgesas compared to theyear 2022The data for the previousyear are missing :(The value corresponds tothe previous yearpercentagepointsWomen are overrepresented among judges, havinga share by 1.6 p.p. higher as compared to that of men.

Share of women and men in police service(percentage)

2014201520162017201820192020202120222023Point the cursor on the graphic to see the data for a certain yearMenWomen50.0%50.0%0.0more women in policeservice as compared tothe year 2022The data for the previousyear are missing :(The value corresponds tothe previous yearpercentagepointsWomen are underrepresented in police service,having a share by 47.8 p.p. lower as compared tothat of men.