Instructions on how to use the application GenderPulse
The data viewed on the GenderPulse platform are extracted from the Statistical Data Bank of the National Bureau of Statistics of the Republic of Moldova or are estimated in an automated way based on the respective data. The source of the data is rooted in the statistical reports of the NBS and of other public authorities producing official statistics.
The data taken from the Statistical Data Bank are viewed in the application GenderPulse as interactive infographics. They are grouped into 5 thematic areas relevant for gender issues' analysis:
These statistical indicators are part of the minimum set of gender indicators developed by the UN Statistics Commission.
The data used for viewing are presented as absolute figures (expressed in natural units of measure – number of persons, lei, etc.) and/or relative values as rate, proportion, report, structure, index (expressed in percentage, percentage points, number of men per 100 women, etc.).
Some graphs represent both, absolute values for women and men, or girls and boys, as well as distributions by sex of different groups of population (for instance: youth, adults, and elderly, or rural and urban population).
The majority of graphs are accompanied by brief texts aiming to explain (for the reader to understand) the meaning of the viewed statistical indicator, to show the noted gender differences or to describe the development over the time of the phenomena measured by the statistical indicators.
The definitions of the respective indicators would be displayed for all of them.
The users have the possibility to interact with the content of the GenderPulse platform through such actions as:
- Activating the rectangular buttons – to select the wished range of data;
- Moving the mouse on the time axis and clicking on it – to activate/ view the set of data for the selected year/ period;
- Navigating the mouse over the graphics from the graph – to see the values of the indicator for certain periods of time;
- Navigating the mouse over the names of indicators – to view the methodological definition of the statistical indicator.
Depending on the actions undertaken by the user, the changes may be noted in the texts accompanying the indicators, in the values of indicators and in their graphical representation.
Glossary of terms
For “Gender Statistics”
Gender defines the social relations between women and men, which may be changed via political, economic or cultural influences. Gender is a conceptual tool for analyzing the roles, responsibilities, constraints, chances and needs of men and women in any context. Hence, it is called "gender analysis”.
The notion of “sex” refers to the biological differences between women and men, which are universal and not changeable in a natural way. They do not change over the time and from culture to culture.
The data disaggregated by women and men shall be called “data disaggregated by sex”, and the indicators covering the gender changes occurred in the society over a period of time shall be called “gender-sensitive indicators”.
Gender equality - accuracy of treatment depending on gender, which may be equal treatment or different treatment, but considered equivalent in relation to rights, obligations, and opportunities.
For “Use Instructions”
Statistical indicator is the numeric expression of a certain phenomenon, process or an economic-social category, defined in time, space and structure (example: Number of population of the R. of Moldova (space) as of 1.01.2015 (time), by sex (element of structure)).
The statistical indicators are classified by form of expression in absolute (expressed in natural units of measure – number of persons, lei, cubic meters, etc.) and relative (expressed in percentage, percentage points or coefficients) values.
Proportion represents the relation in which we have one subgroup of population as compared to the total population (e.g. Proportion of employees in total employed population). Most of the time, the proportions are expressed in percentage. The sum of proportions by subgroups of population is equal to 100%, which represents the total population and constitutes the structure of this population (e.g. Structure of employed population).
Ratio is the relation between a subgroup of population and another subgroup of population, or total population (e.g. Sex ratio which indicates the number of men per 100 women).
Proportions are considered to be a special type of ratios. Ratios and proportions are useful for analyzing the composition of a population or of a set of events.
Rate represents the frequency of a certain event's occurrence within a population in a certain period of time (e.g. birth rate among youth – shows the frequency of births for the population under the youth category within a certain period of time). Most of the times, the rates are expressed in percentage or promilles.
Rhythm (or indexes) of growth is determined as a correlation between the levels of the same phenomenon registered in different time moments (e.g. the growth rhythm of the number of women in leadership positions in 2014 and 2015).