About application

GenderPulse represents a tool for interactive and easy to understand graphical viewing of gender-sensitive statistical indicators. Studying of gender equality is important, as it is frequent a source and criterion of vulnerability, inequity or marginalization.

GenderPulse is based on the data provided by the the National Bureau of Statistics, which publishes on regular basis on its official page gender-sensitive information, in particular the Statistical Data Bank StatBank. StatBank contains a separate compartment on gender statistics , with an ample set of data tables, from different areas, useful from the gender equality analysis viewpoint.

The main advantage of this platform is the fact that it is maintained by specialists - statisticians who take into account the standards related to data quality assurance.

The application GenderPulse is meant for all those who are interested in gender issues: representatives of central and local public administration, involved in decision-making in the political and economic areas, as well as nongovernmental organizations, representatives of academia, mass-media, who monitor and analyze the situation related to equality of chances, as well as the general public.

This solution represents in an easy-to-understand manner the gender-sensitive statistical data and topics related to these data, which are collected and produced by different state institutions and are kept in a centralized way by the National Bureau of Statistics. The final aim of the GenderPulse is to increase the level of understanding of the statistical indicators, through examples of interpretation of such indicators' meaning and the graphical view of the data they express.

This web application brings an added value to the existing information tools and systems, being used either as sources of information, or as solution for transfer of statistics.

GenderPulse is based on automated solutions of data transfer, data hosting on open and closed governmental platforms, open source technologies and open data principles use, hence ensuring high sustainability and potential for development of other web applications based on existing systems or adaptation for new platforms, for instance the mobile ones.

GenderPulse is an application worth of international level attention, from technological and utility point of view.

Advantages of GenderPulse:

  • User friendly – the intuitive interface of the web application and its content include illustrations and pictograms specific for the viewed topics, thus allowing the assimilation of statistical data by users, without having advanced knowledge in the area;
  • Interactive infographics – view of data was associated traditionally with printed-out products, but along the web technologies' development, there were explored new dimensions for presenting information, in which the users have an active role, and the presented data depend on their actions and interests. In GenderPulse the users have the freedom to choose the parameters for displaying the information. At the same time, the specialists-statisticians and designers pointed out certain parameters through graphical elements and conclusions;
  • „Open data” and data quality principles – when developing the application, the requirements ensuring its viability over the time were considered: presence of data disaggregated by different criteria (sex, age, region, etc.), their availability in open format, opportunity and regularity of data renewal, conservation of data publication address, observance of structure, automation potential;
  • Sustainability – the existence of the application over the time is ensured through technologies used in creation, another element being its hosting in Cloud infrastructure created for the state projects, as well as through the institutionalization of the application by the National Bureau of Statistics – the authority dealing with production of highly qualitative and reliable statistical information;
  • Innovation in design and development – development of vector graphics in SVG format ensures and exceptional quality in displaying the images without losing the quality. The programming languages and included technologies allow similar display of infographics on different computers and in different browsers;
  • Capacity to be reused – focus on automated transfer of data from StatBank into GenderPulse allows displaying the new data without the intervention of operators or programmers (taking over through API StatBank and dategov.md). The application performs the automated display of conclusions after modifying the data which may be taken together with the images of high quality by specialists from different areas.


Statistics that comes from
the whole Moldova

National Bureau of Statistics collects data in a centralized way and validates it

Experts-statisticians interpret the figures as conclusions


Statbank hosts, disseminates, visualizes statistics and transfers them to Date.gov.md

Date.gov.md - solution that hosts statistical data in open and free format

Gender Pulse - application that visualizes statistics as interactive infographs

For the application aimed to be intuitively used, certain technological elements have been applied which allowed the implementation of this project as a fusion of data, design and programming:

  • Programming languages/ scripting/ markup: PHP, JavaScript, HTML, CSS;
  • Frameworks: Laravel 5.2;
  • Libraries: Javascript (jQuery, Selectize, D3.js, Bootstrap, summernote), CSS (Bootstrap), Node.js (gulp), PHP (guzzle, snappy);
  • Modes of animation/ display: transitions D3.js, animations jQuery, animations CSS3;
  • Backend API: PC-Axis, CKAN;
  • Serverside soft: Apache, MariaDB, PHP 7, wkhtmltoimage.


National Bureau of Statistics

Support in defining and developing the application GenderPulse and its maintenance, including regular provision of qualitative dissagregated statistical data.

United Nations Development Programme

Management of activities related to defining and developing the application GenderPulse, including coordination of the team of developers and cooperation with specialists of the National Bureau of Statistics.

United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women

Participation in defining and developing the application GenderPulse, including provision of conceptual support for the issue of gender equality.

United Nations Organization

Provision of support in communication and promotion of the application GenderPulse.

E-Government Center

Provision of technical support for hosting the application GenderPulse in Cloud infrastructure.

The Government of Sweden

Providing financial support for the implementation of the country program of UN Women in Moldova.

Austrian Development Agency

Provide technical support for the use of gender-disaggregated data when developing policies and budgets for development.

Implementation team

Ala Negruța
Statistician, expert in
gender statistics, National
Bureau of Statistics
Development of the concept,
set of indicators and
Nadejda Cojocari
Statistician, specialist in
gender statistics, National
Bureau of Statistics
Development of the informational content and
conclusions, verification of
data integrity
Eugen Crețu
Creation of the visual identity of the project and development of the infographics design
Gorincioi Ghenadie
Back-end Programmer
Drafting the architecture,
integration of API
Constantin Harea
Front-end Programmer
Web programming and interactive viewing
Geo Lupașcu
Coordinator of technical works
Development of the technical
ceoncept and monitoring the
Aurelia Spătaru
UNDP Project Manager
Organization and coordination of activities, monitoring the quality and deadlines for concept development
Lilia Racu
Specialist in data bank,
National Bureau of Statistics
Keeping and updating the
data source
Maria Onea
System Administrator,
National Bureau of Statistics
Setting the parameters and
keeping the server
Livia Țurcanu
Platforms and
Products Consultant
Corneliu Eftodi
Program Specialist, UN
Conceptual support
Lucreția Ciurea
Specialist in Monitoring and
Evaluation, UN Women
Conceptual support


Taking over, use, and distribution of views on this platform is authorized only under the condition of indicating in clear and exact manner their source and namely “Source: www.genderpulse.md based on the data of the National Bureau of Statistics of the Republic of Moldova.”

This platform was developed by the National Bureau of Statistics of the Republic of Moldova with the support of the United National Development Programme (UNDP) and UN Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women (UN Women), under the Joint UN Project “Strengthening the National Statistical System”.
