Number of usual resident populationby sex,area and age groups (thousand persons, at the beginning of the year)

TotalUrbanRural2024202320222021202020192018201720162015201402004006008001,0001,2001,4001,6000. years old15-34 years old35-64 years old65 years old and overTotal

Number of usual resident population in territorial profileby sex, districts and regions (thousand persons, at the beginning of the year)

2015201620172018201920202021202220232024Point the cursor on the graphic to see the data for a certain yearNorth644.5Center674.1South324.1The population from Chisinau accounts for 27.5% of thecountry population. In this municipality/ district, thereare 9.1% more women than men.2024≤ 15 thou.16 thou. - 36 thou.37 thou. - 57 thou.58 thou. - 78 thou.79 thou. - 99 thou.≥ 100 dataChisinau0.0women0.0men0.0total

Sex ratioby age groups (males per 100 females)

2024202320222021202020192018201720162015Total0-14 years old15-34 years old35-64 years old65 years old and over2024100malesper 100 females

Sex ratio in territorial profile by districts and regions (males per 100 females)

2015201620172018201920202021202220232024Point the cursor on the graphic to see the data for a certain yearNorth88Center90South89ChisinauIn this district, there is/are by 4 men per 100 womenless than the country average of 87 men per 100women.2024≤ 8586 - 8990 - 9394 - 9697 - 99≥ 100no data