The life of women and men in Europe

2018.03.23 2,221


There are large differences between the lives of women and men in Europe, but there are also similarities. This digital publication The life of women and men in Europe – a statistical portrait aims at comparing women and men in their daily lives. It also shows how similar or different the everyday life of women and men is in European countries.

The publication includes three chapters:

  • Living, growing, ageing... : This chapter focuses on demography and health, including for example data on life expectancy, single mothers and fathers and how we perceive our health. This chapter also shows that, despite our differences, both women and men in Europe are similarly satisfied with their lives.

For example, did you know?

In all Member States, women leave their parental home and get married earlier than men…

5 % more women than men in the EU

Seven times more women than men live alone with children

Men are more likely than women to perceive their health as good

Women and men are equally happy with their lives

  • Learning, working, earning... : This chapter includes data on education levels, reconciliation of work and family life, full-time and part-time work, the gender pay gap, female and male managers, etc. It highlights not only structural differences but also inequalities between women and men.

The more children, the larger the difference between the employment rates of women and men

A third of managers in the EU are women

Women earn on average 16 % less than men

Largest differences in hourly earnings for managers

  • Eating, shopping, surfing, socialising... : This part focuses on nutrition and social habits, leisure activities and online practices, including for example data on smoking and alcohol consumption, body mass index, cinema attendance, use of social networks and online shopping. A final part is dedicated to childcare, housework and cooking.

Larger share of men than women in the EU drink alcohol and smoke…

… and even though they do sports more regularly... a larger share are still overweight

Reading books more common among women

Women use the internet more for social networks and men more for reading the news

Larger share of women buying clothes online and men buying electronic goods online

This digital publication containing short texts, interactive visualisation tools, infographics, photos, etc. has been developed by Eurostat in collaboration with the National Statistical Institutes of the EU Member States and the EFTA countries and is available in most of their official languages.

Go to publication for more details:

The publication contains a knowledge quiz that can be accessed here: