Sustainable Development Goals & Me. Why do the SDGs matter to me?

2019.06.17 2,066


This digital publication "SDGs & me" was created by Eurostat and aims to help all interested citizens to explore the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in an EU context. The 17 Sustainable Development Goals, including Gender Equality, are presented in an innovative way using easy understandable visualisation tools for a selected sub-set of the 100 EU SDG indicators. 

The European Commission has committed to monitor progress towards the SDGs in an EU context. Eurostat has led the development of a reference indicator framework for this purpose in close cooperation with other Commission services and with Member States organisations in the European Statistical System (ESS).

For this 100 indicators have been selected which are evenly distributed across the 17 goals and take into account their policy relevance from an EU perspective, availability, country coverage, data freshness and quality. They are selected to reflect the SDGs broad objectives and ambitions. 42 indicators are "multi-purpose", meaning they are used to monitor more than one goal.  Out of the 100 EU SDG indicators, 55 are currently aligned with the UN SDG indicators.

The publication does not present all the 100 SDGs indicators from the EU reference indicator framework. For each goal, 2-4 indicators were selected based on their relevance for citizens. 



For more details go and explore the publication here: