About application
Gender statistics
Life expectancy
Life expectancy at birth
Life expectancy at 65 years old
Female fertility
Adolescent and women fertility rate
Fertility rate in territorial profile
Population structure
Number of usual resident population
Number of usual resident population in territorial profile
Sex ratio
Sex ratio in territorial profile
Participation in decision-making
Representation of women and men in decision-making bodies
Representation of women and men in decision-making positions
Share of women and men as members of Parliament
Share of women and men in ministerial positions
Share of women and men in judiciary
Share of women and men in police service
Enrollment in education
Enrollment rate by level of education
Enrollment rate in primary and lower secondary education
Enrollment rate in upper secondary and tertiary education
Gender Parity Index
Early school leaving rate
Level of education
Literacy rate of persons aged 15-24 years old
Population structure by level of education
Teaching staff
Share of women and men among teaching staff
Share of women and men as rectors of higher education institutions
General mortality rate
Mortality rate by main causes of death
Maternal mortality rate
Infant mortality rate
HIV incidence
Domestic violence against women
Physical or sexual violence by husband/partner
Physical or sexual violence by other persons
Economic violence by husband/partner
Psychological violence by husband/partner
Economic empowerment
Labor force market
Activity rate of population by area
Activity rate by levels of education
Unemployment rate
Economic inactivity rate
Earnings and wage gap
Gender pay gap
Labor force employment
Employment rate
Structure of employed population by status in employment
Structure of employed population by economic sectors
Employment rate by number of children
Share of part-time employment
Share of informally employed persons in non-agricultural sector
Paid work and domestic work
Daily average duration of paid work and domestic work
Participation in domestic activities
International Women's Day
For more details go to the official website: